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NEWS - April 2024


On the 8th June we will be celebration our 10 year anniversary at the Community station.


There will be a BBQ from around 3pm until around 9pm. We plan to have a licensed bar for the evening, 7pm till 10pm when it will be adults only.It will be a chance to catch up with friends, family and neighbours and the rest of our community and celebrate our 10 years in the old police station. If you’ve never experienced a silent disco then it will be the ideal time come and try it out.


Everyone has a pair of headphones and you listen to one of 3 music channels, this could be, non stop ABBA, 50’s,60’s & 70’s, or even classical, who knows as we haven’t decided yet. It can be very funny watching everyone dancing to different beats.


The great thing with a silent disco is that you don’t bother the neighbours with load music and you can have a chat without having to shout above the music. So do come and join our party on Saturday the 8th June.

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MLCT Men's Shed


What are Men’s Sheds?

A Men’s Shed is similar to a traditional Shed in its nature, in as much as it is a space full of tools and projects. There is however one key difference:


You’re never alone at a Men’s Shed. 


Why ‘Men’s’ Sheds?

It’s been well publicised that men are at greater risk of loneliness or unwanted isolation than women.

At a local level it has been identified that men simply aren’t as well engaged when it comes to (non-sporting) clubs, groups or other social/community initiatives when compared to women.


In recent times this situation has been further exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic which saw the country being put into Lockdown twice in less then 18 months, causing extended and damaging periods of personal isolation.

Nationally, 1 in 5 men die before the age of 65 and this statistic has been unchanging for almost a decade.

This is why the Men’s Shed movement and the Essex Shed Network are focused on improving the health and wellbeing of men.


More details here :

Join Us



Can you help, even a small amount of time would help us a great deal.

Join the Committee

We need enthusiastic people of all ages and backgrounds to be part of MLCT.

Local Groups

Do you need a place to meet or hold an event? Hire out a space or room.

A photo of MLCT Trustees and volunteers celebrating the official opening of the Community Station, with the Mayor cutting the ribbon in 2015.


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